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There’s no such thing as public opinion; example #2178

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Each day I get more and more depressed about the intellectual climate in America (and the rest of the world.) How often do you see people quote polls suggesting that the public believes the economy is doing poorly, as if these polls actually meant something?

Matt Yglesias directed me to this Chris Rugaber tweet:

Most people (as individuals) are doing fine.

Most people (in aggregate) are doing poorly.


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194 days ago
I am baffled as to how smart people do not understand what is going on here. When most people read “US economy” they start to include “US government”. It is extremely possible for individuals to be doing fine right now, even doing better! And for Florida to be doing fine right now, even doing better! And to also be aware that the US government has been spending money like an entire fleet of drunken sailors and is very very much not in good financial shape. As the scope of the question gets wider, people start thinking about the bigger picture and thinking in wider temporal terms as well. And over a longer time slice… yeah, the US economy is in terrible shape. This doesn’t seem like rocket science.
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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Marginal Cost of Lurking

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Click here to go see the bonus panel!

This comic supersedes the dragon hoard one, which was made in error.

Today's News:
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1058 days ago
Looking forward to explaining to my daughter that ghosts don’t exist, and this is how we know.
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